Latangerine Last Journey

Summary: A parody.
Twenty-year-old Alyce Latangerine finds herself in a house inhabited by sex-crazed creatures.
She's autistic but that doesn't matter on her first and last journey.

Author's notes: Enjoy!
This is a "mirror story" in a way, since the swam song is in English in the original French version.

I’m in pain. My body is shaking. My head wants to explode. Yet I am at home. I'm in my Safety Zone. I shouldn't be in pain, and yet...  My name is Alyce Latangerine. Yes, like a tangerine. That's funny. I have red hair. A tangerine with blue eyes, LOL! In short, I am 20 years old. I’m a Quebecer but I’m not like the Others. When I look at their world, it's like having a piece of broken glass in front of my eyes. Everything is so strange, so alien... I am often confused. But this story isn’t about my struggles to "survive" in this strange world that is Reality. This story isn’t about my autism, my rigid schedule or my "burning" skin. No. This story is about a journey. My first and last.

It all started when a bright light blinded me. I was at home, in pain... then this light (where did it come from?) appeared. When I can see again, I discover that I’m no longer at home. I am in a room with orange walls. Had I been younger, panic would have filled my thoughts, but I learned long ago to control myself. To fight silently against the great and powerful Unknown. It loves to torment me.

Suddenly, I hear a female voice.

"Is anyone there?"

"Yes." I replied. "Where am I?"

The bedroom door opens and I see a blonde woman. Her hair is tied up in two pigtails. She has tiny green eyes and I think she is from Russia.

"You're... in a house." Says the woman.

"That doesn't answer my question!" I exclaimed.

"You're right. You are... in a haunted house."

"A haunted house?"

"Yeah. There's no way out of here. Kuramiyo tried everything and then there are... these creatures with no defined gender..."

Suddenly, a long moan is heard.

"Wha... What was that?" I asked the blonde woman.

"Not again!"

The blonde woman starts to run, and I follow her. She opens a door by kicking it and I stumble on an awkward… scene.

A Japanese woman is tackled to the floor by a purple creature. A big mass of jelly. The lady has an orgasm as the thing penetrates her vaginal orifice... her hole with its penis. Is it really a penis? I didn't have time to get a good look at it.

"Kuramiyo!!!" Exclaims the Russian woman.

"Ohhhhh... hello to you, M."

M? That’s a funny name.

"LEAVE HER ALO--!" M begins to yell before being interrupted.

"No, no... It's okay." Kuramiyo said. "Let hir do it. I like that."

She lets out another cry of pleasure.


The creature withdraws its penis. Yes, it's a penis made from a slimy liquid. Without further ado, the thing push it back into her hole. Again and again and...

"Ah... ah... ahhh..." Moaned the Japanese woman. "Faster, faaaaaaaster!"

"Kuramiyo... you do know that they will try to kill you after they are done?" Asks M.

"I know... but I can handle hir..."

She pushes a long orgasm, then she asks us to leave them alone. M makes a sign to me to follow her, and she brings me in a small living room.

"Well, you probably want an explanation?" She asks me.


"Aright, my name is Alyce M. Since Kuramiyo is also called Alyce we use our last names to communicate. We both found ourselves in this house after being blinded by a strange light. Hazel, another Alyce, joined us quickly. We tried to leave but it is impossible to escape the house. Besides it’s inhabited by these things. By reading written notes left by former female prisoners, we learned that they feed on their victims' souls after satisfying their high libido."

"So, he... she... they? Uh..."

I don't know which pronoun to use.

"They... we use 'they' to refer to these creatures. Also 'hir' as singular." Explains M. "Yes, they fucked me up too. That should disgust me and yet..."

"Disgust you?"

"Yeah, because I've been raped before, so for sex I’m like 'never again! It's disgusting and painful!' but these things... they give me so much pleasure... It's crazy but I would ask them for more."

"But... they do kill after sex, right?" I asked M.

"Normally, yes, but they can be repelled afterwards. Hazel has discovered an incantation that can drive them away... for a while. That's right, I didn't ask your name. What is it?"

I tell her it's Alyce.

"WOW! Four Alyce. That's creepy!" Says M. "And your last name?"


"Re-wow! A tangerine. That's funny. I'm going to call you Latangerine from now on. Is that okay?"

"Fine by me."

"I wonder what Hazel is up to--" begins M.

Suddenly, the echo of a voice is heard. A young and powerful voice.

"♪ Je suis la chair de votre sang. ♪"

An inhuman howl is heard and then all becomes silent.

"What was that?" I ask M.

"Hazel just chased one of the creatures away."

That voice belonged to Hazel, but did I hear French?

"She's American," M explains, "and that doesn't explain why the incantation is in French, or why you have to sing it to make it work, but it does. That's all that matters. However, Hazel warned us never to use it completely."

"Why?" I questioned.

"I don't know. She won't tell me more."

"This incantation... where did she find it?"

"In a book but she burned it. I've scolded her enough about it."

Suddenly, two creatures cross a wall and come in front of us. M asks me if I am still a virgin. I tell her yes.

"Then go!" She says to me. "I can 'dance' very well for two."

I don't understand what she is talking about.

"FLEE!" Shouts M. "NOW!!!"

I don't know how I did it, but I manage to escape. I hear M having an orgasm in the distance. I'm about to lock myself in a bathroom when I see a young woman with brown skin and black hair sitting on the toilet. She must be 19 years old, no more. I ask the young woman if she’s Hazel.

"Yes. One second..."

I hear a "splash!" in the toilet. Hazel had just pooped.

"So, are you a newcomer?" Hazel asks me.

"Yes. Alyce Latangerine. M… she's..."

M's voice is heard again. She seems to be in ecstasy.

"She’s 'dancing'. Holy M! Even after her assault she's able to stand up to those Trackiyo."

I ask Hazel what a Trackiyo is.

"The name of these creatures."

Without embarrassment, she wipes herself and pulls up her pants.

"Let's go to continue our conversation elsewhere."

We go back to the room with orange walls. On the way, I hear Kuramiyo chanting another part of the incantation. We hear another inhuman howl and then nothing. Hazel tells me that M and Kuramiyo have gotten used to the incantation, but it's not going to help them get out of this place.

"Why?" I asked her. "I don't understand..."

"Because... Okay. Hang on, it's a long story."

In a world different from ours, Adonan Amaury, a sorcerer as well as a big pervert, fell in love with Alia Rouviot, a healer. She didn't want him, so he cast a spell on her to make her his sex slave.

Hazel doesn't know all the details, but when Alia became pregnant with Amaury's child, his spell weakened. Alia, to free herself from her master, took revenge by using his own magic against him.

She trapped him in his own house, in another dimension, where the Trackiyo, those creatures with no defined gender, live. They killed him fairly quickly after repeatedly fucking him over but Amaury had not said his last word. To get his revenge, he used his remaining strength to cast a final spell.

"This spell takes random women, often from different worlds, then brings them here." Hazel continues to narrate. "You know what happens to them. But here's the thing: one of these women, a woman named Arc... Arc... lita? No. Arcelia. She had magical powers. By sacrificing herself, she created an incantation that can destroy the Trackiyo, the house and this dimension, saving future victims. Only the incantation’s use requires the sacrifice of her user."

"A sacrifice..." I said, pondering.

"And this incantation only works if the 'singer' is a virgin, like Arcelia. Kuramiyo, M and I... we are no longer virgins. I told them not to use the whole incantation for that very reason. What's the point of dying if--?"

I feel like my head is going to explode. I am a virgin. I know I am. It seems impossible, but... I don't even know my sexuality. With my "burning" skin, due to its sensitivity, the idea of having sexual contact turns me off.

Besides, I've never had any attraction to men or women. But, damn it, I'm a virgin! So I can destroy the Trackiyo. I can save other women, but to do that, I must... I tell Hazel I'm a virgin.

"Dammit! You're not kidding?"

"No. M really insisted that I run away from the two Trackiyo earlier. Did she know about the incantation and the virginity?"

"No! I was the only one who knew. Latangerine. You can make it all stop."

"I know, but--"

"We are doomed anyway. It is impossible to leave this dimension."

Suddenly, Kuramiyo's voice shouts that there are creatures coming towards us. Hazel curses. Kuramiyo's voice then tells us that she can chase them away with M. Hazel yells at her to do so. Despite the combined efforts of M and Kuramiyo, three Trackiyo enter the room.

"Okay, listen up." Says Hazel. "I couldn't do it again!"

"But I--!"

"♪ Je suis la chair de votre sang. ♪"

The Trackiyo scream, as if invisible blades had stuck in their gelatinous bodies, but they don’t disappear.

"Ah... you guys are tough as nails. I like that! ♪ Votre désir coule toujours en moi. ♪"

The Trackiyo let out another scream and vanished.

"Already?" Hazel says. "Pathetic."

M and Kuramiyo enter the room.

"We got them!" Says M.

"No, it's not over." Says Kuramiyo.

Other Trackiyo appear.

"AH-HA! ♪ J’ai versé plus de mille larmes. ♪"

They are massacred by Hazel but others quickly take their place.

"♪ Je ne crains pas la mort, mais la vie m’échappe. ♪"

Kuramiyo tries to talk to Hazel, but she continues to sing.

"♪ J’ai enduré la douleur pour survivre à vous. Et, à la fin, mon être n’est que néant. ♪"

M yells at the young woman to stop.

"♪ Alors, je vous prie… ♪"

The Trackiyo keep disappearing, others keep coming, and Hazel doesn't intend to stop.


There was a bright light. The Trackiyo disappeared while screaming and Hazel's lifeless body fell to the ground. M shouts her distress, Kuramiyo cries with pain and rage. Despite my pain, I explain to them what Hazel told me.

"I don't want to die. I really don't!" I exclaimed. "But I can destroy the Trackiyo... I can avenge Hazel, Arcelia, and the other women who were trapped..."

"Then I know what to do." Kuramiyo says. "We need to distract them while you chant the incantation."

"How do you plan to do that?" Asks M.

"Hazel... did you know she was a lesbian?"

"Yeah." Said M to Kuramiyo. "She had already asked me if I like girls... why, are you a lesbian, too?"

"I'm pansexual."

Kuramiyo then says that if M and her have sex, they will attract the Trackiyo. The idea insults M because she is straight, but Kuramiyo tells her that she must help me.

"And we're going to die soon, so I'd love to have some real sex before the end!" Exclaims the Japanese woman.

"Because you didn't get any kicks when the Trackiyo were fucking you?" Asks the Russian woman.

"It's not the same thing! Come on, M."



"I said NO!"

"Uh..." I say to get them to stop bickering. "More Trackiyo are coming."

I see them go through the wall.

"Screw it!" Says M. "Let's do this!"

She undresses hurriedly. Kuramiyo does the same. They lay down on the floor, one against the other. I can't help but blush.

"Sing, Latangerine!" M commands me.

While hesitating, M goes and put her fingers in Kuramiyo's love hole. Kuramiyo moans softly then she kisses M passionately. I see M's face turn red. It’s strange. She seems to like it.

"OK HERE I GO!" I shouted before singing.

♪ Je suis la chair de votre sang. ♪

♪ Votre désir coule toujours en moi. ♪

♪ J’ai versé plus de mille larmes. ♪

♪ Je ne crains pas la mort, mais la vie m’échappe. ♪

♪ J’ai enduré la douleur pour survivre à vous. ♪

♪ Et, à la fin, mon être n’est que néant. ♪

♪ Alors, je vous prie… ♪


Everything around me turns white. My life is slipping away but I know I have succeeded. The Trackiyo are destroyed. Arcelia and Alyce Hazel are avenged. Alyce M and Alyce Kuramiyo... I will never forget them. I died a heroine.

Too bad no one will know, except you. Thanks. By the way, didn't you find the incantation strange? Arcelia died a virgin, and yet the words seem to speak of someone who lost her virginity to the Trackiyo. Hmm.

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